Students admitted to the PhD. program of a participating department may apply to add the QMSS emphasis to their doctoral degree. Applications will be reviewed during the Fall and Winter quarters each year. Students can apply at any time during their graduate training, but most students apply after their first completed year of graduate training. Please see detailed instructions and checklist below.
Potential QMSS students are encouraged to review this list of frequently asked questions.
Link to online application HERE.
QMSS Application Checklist
- Verify your home department is a QMSS participating department.
- Select a QMSS advisor. Any member of the QMSS core faculty in your home department may serve as your QMSS advisor. You can either approach one of these faculty members directly or contact one of the members of the QMSS coordinating committee for help in finding an advisor.
- With the help of your QMSS advisor, complete the QMSS application and course contract. This contract details your plan to complete the QMSS curriculum.
- Sign the application form, and obtain the digital signature of your QMSS advisor and your home department faculty advisor. (One faculty member may serve in both of these roles.)
- Send your completed application via email (or Docusign) to the chair of the QMSS coordinating committee, currently Karen Nylund-Gibson.
- Your application will then be reviewed by the QMSS coordinating committee. Applications will be reviewed during the Fall and Spring quarters. You may be asked to make some revisions to your course contract.
- Once your application is approved, you will need to file a petition with the Graduate Division in order to add the QMSS emphasis to your Ph.D. program.